Urban Basic

Visually enhancing the content of the learning tracks Urban Basic has to offer.
Urban Basic
6 weeks
UI Design
View live website
View live website

The content that needs to be changed is currently not leading to the preferred amount of clicks or registrations for the learning tracks. The content consists of just the company logo with a distinctive color and a brief text to explain the learning track. The distinction between the various learning tracks is very minimal and doesn't stand out on the page which causes visitors to ignore and scroll past the learning tracks Urban Basic has to offer.


The goal of the project was to enhance the content regarding the learning tracks that Urban Basic has to offer. The client knew that something had to be done but couldn't come up with a solution himself. My goal was to create a better understanding for the users without them having to open the link or exit their user journey.


The final UI design has been approved by the client and together with their developer, the final UI design is currently live on the website.