
Creating a dashboard with support pages that give a complete overview of customer insights to the users, tax advisors.
2 months
Product Design
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The current Addidy, a product that supports financial advisors in their work, offers limited support in the workflow of our users, financial advisors. Our users still use a lot of external software to carry out their work which only creates a cumbersome workflow. In order to create a more efficient workflow for our users we have to come up with a solution that includes all information our users need.


The goal of the project is to create a single product that will enable the users of Addify, financial and tax advisors, to competely carry out their work. The goal can be reached by creating an additional product in Addify that will give our users a complete overview with insights on their customers. In addition to the dashboard we need to create detailpages that will contain detailed information regarding a specific topic. This way we can provide a product to our clients, the tax advisors, that will contain every bit of information about that they need on their client in order to do their work.


Through research and design effort we have ben able to create a dashboard filled with insights on the clients of our users. In addition to the dashboard we have created various in-depth pages that  contain detailed information regarding a specific topic. This way we can provide a product to our clients, the tax advisors, that will contain every bit of information about that they need on their client in order to do their work.

The designs are currently being delivered to our development team who will start developing the new Addify dashboard soon.